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Paige Rahman – 3-5 Newcomer

I am the Newcomer teacher for grades 3-6. This is my 28th year teaching. I have been teaching English Language Learners for at least 17 of those years. I received a Master’s degree from Park University in Reading and Literacy and my ELL certification from the University of Missouri and UMKC. My elementary education degree was the from the University of Central Missouri. I’ve had diversive teaching experiences and have taught all grades K-5, but mainly 4th and 5th grades. I love KCIA with all of my heart. The students here are amazing people. I love the culture of our school. In my free time I like to spend time with my family including my son, daughter, and our tuxedo cat named Finley. I also like to read and do crafts such as cardmaking, scrapbooking and reading.


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